Monday, August 29, 2011

New Medical Themed Sorority Life Glam coming for September...SNEAK PREVIEW

We give this new glam two snaps and a circle

This is the result of the Poll we asked last Week about Bots

We asked:Is using a Bot fair Game Play now in SL since u are still using ur own LE glam and ur sisters to win fights and collect grats?Is using a Bot fair Game Play now in SL since u are still using ur own LE glam

m and ur sisters to win fights and collect grats?

36% said Yes
42% said they Hated Bots
15% said No
1% said they Didnt Know

THE Doctors Companion Outfit New Five Day with So So stats

4 charm/7 popularity for this Sonic Tool

6 charm/ 5 popularity for this Shoulder Length Hair with Poof

9 charm/ 1 popularity for this Blue Phone Box

6 charm/ 6 popularity for these Grey Sneakers

 8 charm/ 3 popularity  for The Doctor

                                     13 Charm/ 16 popularity

Our opinion: The stats on these 5 day outfits just keep getting more and more suck :/

Saturday, August 20, 2011

ALL The Places to play Sorority LIFE...

No wonder Playdom gives us FAcebook users of SL lockouts every 45 minutes...they are stretched in to thr technical max.  We have listed all the places that u can find Sorority Life,  hopefully this is useful to u or someone u know.

A large amount of SL users that play the Facebook version came over from MYSpace (that was useless information LOL)

Thr are benefits to playing on ur phone or different operating systems u get different glam and on the IPhone and Android u get to collect 48 grats per day instead of the normal 24!

It would be really cool if they came out with a version that u can play on all operating systems with the same account.

WebOS Users:

Hi5 Users:

Tagged Users:

MySpace Users:

Android Users: or just go to the marketplace directly from ur phone.

IPhone Users: or go to the Apple Store from ur phone.

Facebook Users:

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Closing of Couture Week

Playdom took everyone to the bank this week offering an entire line of Couture Outfits with  Monday and Thursday Dresses offering 40charm or popularity.  This collection spoke for itself as we are sure that this is a door opener to consistent Glam and an end to scattered glam without a Theme.  Only time will tell, but our bet is we will began to see theme glam gradually popping into our Sorority Life.  We give The Couture Line a big fat: LOOVE IT!!!!

Definition of

 (kuːˈtʊə, French  kutyr) 
— n
a. high-fashion designing and dressmaking

The HELLDOLL FAN PAGE and Recruitment Video

Recruitment to join HellDolls ends September 1st.


SL Hall of Fame House Bible

These are houses that have earned thr keep in SL. During some of the awards and voting events houses got put on a pedestal that did not deserve it and no one even knew about some of the houses that were mentioned.
This is the SL House Bible.
Both friends and foes will be put on here, only if they earned it.
Houses are listed in no specific order, but rather broke down by catagories.


H.O.A (HouseOfAthena)
W.O.W (WithOutWarning)
D.A.S (DarkAngelSquad)
House of ERNA (The retired Legends)



MADHOUSE (created by a 15 year old (Shelly aka AngelofDeath) in her basement LOL..true story)The only house in SL house that was soo bad that the when the 15 year old went on vacation the MEMBERS HI JACKED the House and never gave it back LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

House Of Respect- HOR (created by a bitter person that got beaten alive  and want some "respect" for a week her name is CRYSTAL TAYLOR LMFAO)

SL Higher Stat Glam from ur Android

If u download the SL Android application to ur phone u will be able to get better stat Vehicles and boyfriends.  This will help well especially on those lower level Toons: The Moving Van 10 charm14 Popularity for those of u missing those concept cars and We have Mike the Mall Guy 9 charm 14 popularity his stats dont beat our Boyfriend Mickey but if u cant reach Mickey he will do u something good in the stat department

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sorority Life New Heart to Heart Boutique

This new event is under a different socializing tab for each player, playdom screwed that one up lol.  Its tough to find.  It might be ""on campus" or "off campus"  U just have to do some foot work, until the PD fixes it!

You can win 1 prize from each box below! Spin each box until you get a prize you want -- getting a key unlocks the next box AND a free spin! Preview possible prizes by clicking the magnifying glass. Once each box shows the prize you want to keep, click Claim Prize and fill up your wardrobe! NOTE: You do not actually earn the prize displayed until you click the Claim Prize button.

The H2H Boutique is a great way to win numerous extra small glam items, swag, as well as up to 100 Brownie Points.  
Not a coincidence that SL is having on of thr big 40%off  BP events on the launch of this BP eater;
We give the HEART2HEART BOUTIQUE a rating of: LOOVED ITT!!! 

Breaking News: The Burn List is Changing

New Playdom Report that the Burnlist will be changing to the tune that everyone Hunting on the BurnList will only be able to collect attack and collect grats 20 levels above and 20 levels below ur AVATAR.

Secondly, it will be impossible to glitch even if u park ur self at someone elses avatar station while thr on the BL.

Wow, my opinion is those hunters that have parked hunters on the low levels better move up if they want any grats worth bragging about. ~ChaOtiC HellDoll

Monday, August 8, 2011


With Casablanca, Sorority life changed up the style of the sisters helping aspect of it.  They decided to experiment with having intramurals instead of the usual fight teams.  The feeling among SL players were split some were relieved that they didnt have to recruit for fighting, Others just like fighting lol. Casa is by far the easiest abroad thus far. On the flip side Casa only offers 2 boarders one of which is in Ricks Cafe and 4 skill points.

Upon completing CASA u get the 5 brownie points and the Desert Glamour Outfit(40 charm/47 popularity) 

In Ricks Cafe: u get Rick which he's not even good looking and has terrible stats(10 charm/19 popularity) and was a disappointment cause he didn't manage to bat out our Mickey.   

If u complete Ricks Cafe u get the ILSA Breton outfit (13 charm/23 popularity) with all the accessories: Navy Clutch(12 charm/ 17 popularity), White Sandals(11 charm/17 popularity), and the Hair Hat (22 charm/11 popularity)

We Give Casablanca and Ricks Cafe a big fat: "U ALRIGHT" lol....nothing spectacular and nothing majorly bad.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


 Glitching is when someone on a higher level hits someone on a lower level that is on the Burn List.  All bounty hunters and fighters have been glitched on time or another.
Okay so everyone knows in Sorority Life that thr are three traditional way to "Glitch" someone.
1. Put them on the Burn list and simply hunt as u would normally do.
2. Having a scout thats where u gets someone to put out an afta(ask friends to attck) on the lower rider level on the BL, then  u hit from the riders avatar screen.
3. U have ur own dummy account scout out the Burn List and u put out ur own afta.

Well now Sorority Life Helper has it so when u hunt using the tool bar u can automatically glitch lower levels.  Its fair.  Its the same way of doing something just a different way of doing it.  Until Playdom fixes the glitching aspects all the way around and make it so its impossible to hit a lower level. Rather u put them up or not.  It's legal.  Only people that should be pissed about this are the career glitchers now they will be forced to shared thr work load.

Friday, August 5, 2011

New Facial Expressions coming to Sorority Life

Now we heard rumbles from playdom on the Forums and off that they were going to give the SL Avatars Facial Expressions (angry, sad, happy, etc) and different makeup combinations. We saw that they did the test run on the make-up on the dark queen hair featured below.  They are soo busy designing the study abroads they dont have time. Hopefully playdom have not abandoned thr project of EXPRESSIONS and Make-UP. 

We rate the Expressions and Make-up on the Avatars: "LOVED IT!!"
dark queen make up on ChaOtiC HellDolll

The Show Stopper:The Dress Everyone Wanted So Everyone Got

Not only does the Show-Stopping Burgundy Gown look Great but it has awesome stats 15c/40p unbeatable for only 20 bps.  This dress is a HellDoll Favorite. We give this gown a rating of: LOOVE IT!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Dinosaur in Sorority Life is ⓃⓈⓃⓃ

NSNN means NO Slapping No Neutral

Meaning u dont slap and u dont house and slappers. If u catch someone slapping u take a Screen Shot LMFAO.

All most all Sorority Life Houses started out as NSNN, but its a dying breed.
Most people either just dont slap as a personal preference but will house slappers, those people are labelled as NNS meaning Neutral None Slapping.
The Majority of players in SL are FG meaning Full Game Players.
It appears that most NSNN people are straight up Socializers that like to police thr sisters.

We rate NSNN as: HATED IT!!!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The biggest everyday rip off in Sorority Life

Everyone has glam that they have missed buying. Playdom repost the galm you missed months or even years down the line at a higher price.  Our advice is unless u got money to throw around skip the Vintage boutique unless they are having one of there kick ass sells where u can buy Vintage LE Glam at 15 BP's.  Secondly what makes the Vintage boutique a rip off are the stats are at best most of the time mediocre.  Our Vote for the Vintage Boutique is: "HATED IT!!!" 

Death of the 5 day Event outfits

It appears that the great stats offered by the 5 day event outfits are gone. Perhaps the old war between another house and the HellDolls ruined it for everyone.
  Not only did the war get nasty, but it made its way to the Sorority Life Forums. Where the truth was expose on how to obtain multiples of the 5 day outfits.
The recent 5 day outfit is a good example:
 Charity Golf 5day outfit charm-17/pop-14
All the other 5days have always been in the 20' bad.